Published On: September 24th, 2023Categories: Benefits

Did you know that in 2022 the U.S. installed enough solar panels to power 22 million households? Yet, despite its widespread adoption and proven benefits, there are still several misconceptions and myths surrounding solar power.

These misconceptions lead many people to hesitate toward solar panel installation. Unfortunately, this means that some Americans are missing out on generating their own energy, saving on their electricity bills, and even banking excess energy that could make them a profit. 

At Rising Sun Solar Solutions, we want to help people go solar and enjoy these benefits. So, let’s debunk these solar energy misconceptions below. 

Misconception 1: Solar Panels Don’t Work in Cloudy Weather

One popular question people ask is Do solar panels work without sunlight? 

Many people believe that solar panels only produce electricity when the sun is shining brightly. While it’s true that solar panels are most efficient under direct sunlight, they can still generate electricity on cloudy or overcast days. Modern solar panels can capture diffuse sunlight, and some even work in low-light conditions, ensuring a consistent power supply even when the sun isn’t at its peak.

In addition, backup solar batteries store excess power that supplement energy needs during raining days, nighttime, and during utility power outages. 

Misconception 2: Solar Panels Are Too Expensive

The cost of solar panels has decreased by nearly 50% in the past decade. These costs are expected to continue to decline even more as materials become cheaper. In addition, thanks to advancements in technology and government incentives, solar installations, have become more affordable than ever. 

Investing in solar panels can lead to substantial long-term savings on energy bills, making it a cost-effective choice for many homeowners and businesses.

Misconception 3: Solar Energy Is Inefficient

Solar panel efficiency has improved dramatically in recent years. Modern solar panels can convert around 20-22% of the sunlight they receive into electricity. While this may not seem like much, it’s a highly efficient process, and ongoing research aims to increase efficiency further. 

Solar power can effectively meet the energy needs of most households and businesses. As panel technology evolves and storage units hold more power, it is possible to offset your utility cost by as much as 100%. 

Misconception 4: Solar Panels Require Constant Maintenance

While solar panel maintenance is essential for the most efficient solar unit, they are low-maintenance and durable. Panels typically require cleaning only a few times a year to remove dirt or debris. 

Additionally, at Rising Sun Solar Solutions, we offer a 10-year installation warranty and the manufacturer has a 25-year warranty on the panels themselves. If you do have an issue with your solar panel functionality or require cleaning, we can assist you by inspecting them and removing debris.

Misconception 5: Solar Energy Is Only for Warm, Sunny Climates

Solar panels can be installed and are effective in a wide range of climates, not just in sunny areas. In fact, some of the world’s leading solar energy producers, like Germany, are not known for their abundant sunshine. Solar panels work efficiently in various weather conditions, as long as they receive an adequate amount of sunlight throughout the year.

In a state known for its distinct four seasons, Maryland has no shortage of solar panels with 91,773 installations to date. This is enough to power for 214,309 homes. 

Misconception 6: Solar Energy Is Harmful to the Environment

This misconception likely stems from the production process of solar panels. While there are environmental concerns associated with manufacturing solar panels, the long-term benefits of solar energy greatly outweigh these concerns. 

Solar power is clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and significantly reduces our reliance on fossil fuels, making it a net positive for the environment.

In addition, advances in solar panel technology is paving the way to be less harsh on the environment. For example, organic solar cells made from carbon-based particles remove the need for mining and chemical manufacturing. 

Misconception 7: Solar Panels Can Cause Roof Damage

Properly installed solar panels should not cause any damage to your roof. In fact, they can protect your roof by providing an additional layer of insulation. Professional installation ensures that the panels are securely attached without compromising your roof’s integrity.

At Rising Sun Solar Solutions, we assess your roof before installation to make sure it is in good condition. We also help remove previously installed solar panels for roof repairs and reinstall the panels back on afterward. 

Misconception 8: Solar Energy Is Unreliable

Solar energy can be quite reliable when combined with energy storage solutions like batteries. These systems can store excess energy generated during the day for use during the night or cloudy days, providing a consistent and reliable power supply.

We also make sure that your solar units serve the energy needs of your property. You get the perfect number of solar panels installed on your home or business to generate the right amount of energy. 

Misconception 9: Solar Panels Will Decrease Property Value

In reality, solar panels often increase the value of a property. Solar-equipped homes are attractive to environmentally conscious buyers and can also lead to lower utility bills, making the property more appealing in the real estate market.

Two studies conducted by Zillow and another study from the Department of Energy found the following statistics about homes for sale with solar panels:

  • 67% of buyers say energy efficiency is “very to extremely important” in their next home.
  • Houses sell for more money as buyers are willing to spend an average of 4.1% more for solar-powered homes.
  • Buyers will spend $15,000 or more on average for a home with solar energy capabilities. 

Misconception 10: Solar Energy Is Not Suitable for Large-Scale Applications

Solar energy is not limited to residential use. It is increasingly being used for large-scale applications, including powering entire communities and industries using community solar. These solar farms are becoming a common sight, and advancements in technology continue to make solar energy a viable option for large-scale energy production.

Moving Beyond Solar Energy Misconceptions

These solar energy misconceptions may have stopped you from considering solar panel installation in the past but now it’s time to move past these roadblocks. It is clear that solar panels are not only beneficial for residents and business owners, they also are the future of energy. 

Take the next step by contacting Rising Sun Solar Solutions to discuss a solar solution for you.